Blog 15

The chapter I had read about in they say/I say was chapter nine titled “you mean I can just say it that way?”. the chapter had much to do with the ideas of academic writing and how often times a writer may stick to bigger academic words than their everyday language. They then go into detail about how as writers it hurts what they are trying to say because the reader often times can not understand it and at times even you can not understand what you were saying. Therefore their must inclusion of your own everyday language into the paper to make it more understandable to a bigger audience and to ensure your point you are bringing up is being portrayed correctly. They highlight a point that their should be a perfect balance of “academicspeak and everydayspeak” into our papers as they make it sound more legitimate and make the audience feel as we relate more to it as it is in our own words.

I chose to read this chapter because I am guilty of this many times. Even from past peer reviews and meetings with teachers their are times where the both of us are puzzled by what I was trying to say in that moment. I feel like it was a good chapter to read to know I am not alone in doing this and that more often than not that it occurs. Going forward from this I have reread my essay to make sure their were clear solid points, and if their were points that sounded very “academic” I would adjust my own language without adding slang into the essay itself. I overall think that after reading this it better shaped my paper to be more connected to self and also understandable.

blog #14

Based from the peer review, my goals to revise are to focus on a few points in my essay. throughout I describe a great deal both sides of people and narratives but are very vague to when it comes to my opinion, so my first goal is to add in my claims my beliefs of narratives playing a role in our lives The second goal I want to fix is the point when I talk about my girlfriend from the narrative project. I mention it but don’t describe it which is confusing if the audience had never heard it so my point would not get across

I plan to re read my claims, looking at where I was two sided and in a sense add my own stand to it, or even conclude my paper with my side so the audience nows where I place myself. For the part about my girlfriend I will either move the video link up to right under that paragraph or describe what was mentioned in the video so the audience has an idea prior to watching.

My biggest challenge will be making sure to stay true to my side, with such a topic like this it is easy to drift between each side, so I have to stay strong and bold to narratives playing a role.

If it is to difficult to solve on my own I could reach out to my peers and see if they have any more suggestion or even Emmy and they could gear me to success.

Peer Review 3

____’s ideas brought up throughout the paper were very interesting and very good overall. It was really interesting seeing a paper done from the opposing side and in a way helped shaped the rest of group seeing opposing sides for each person. I felt overall the information provided was great, the uses of text and other sources made it very strong. The only point I would say to focus on is their are some points brought up in your essay where you could expand and bring in more of your voice to tie into the text. Your idea brought up about the significance of memmories for each person could be. a great place to expand on! overall this was a great free draft and I really enjoyed your usage of the multimodal with the drawings and the background doodle it visual appealed and helped guide the reader.

two of the screenshots were unable to be attached.

Multimodal Statement

I have been looking forward to incorporating the multimodal into our essays since when we began our first annotation. One thing I have learned from the annotations and a thing I plan to use in my paper is the use of photos, specifically header photos. I feel like I could use a great header image to in a way set the tone of the essay and in a sense tie it into my claims I will be going into. Using a header image will provide the readers a visual aspect of the multimodal giving them a picture to go along with the essay itself. Another item I will be using is the video from the narrative project that will provide a auditory mode and is one of the major ties in this essay. The last one I will incorporate into my essay is the usage of the spatial mode. I feel like this will be the toughest adjustment since it does not follow our typical essay format, but it has a great use to put emphasis on certain points brought up in the essay, and also makes the overall feel of the essay much more nice. With the incorporation of the spatial it in the sense turns this essay format we write in all serious essays and papers, and turns that same information into something much more appealing to the reader. My thoughts at the moment are to possibly use this to almost guide my reader using this mode with emphasis points such as quotes at the side of the text. Overall I am excited to see what this multimodal will turn out to be.

Blog 13

After reading Galen Strawson’s article I agreed and disagreed upon many of her many points. One of her major points she brings up is the idea of having many selves rather than just a single self. I totally agree with this statement to an extent, I agree that moods essentially need to be different for whatever the task at hand may be , but I would not consider it to the extreme in saying it Is a different self. For example the way I would converse with a boss at a job or even other employees would be very different than if I were to have a conversation with a life long friend. Even taking it to another level talking to a customer would be a very different attitude than to a coworker. I truly feel her points about other selves are necessary. If we were not able to switch the gears for these tasks I feel like the world overall would turn dull, the stress feeling before giving a presentation would be much different if the same attitude and mood was used if you were talking to a group of friends. I feel like as a society this idea of many selves is necessary, otherwise it would lead in one of two extremes: chaos or dullness. A point she brings up I was not really fond of had to do with the idea of self control being a personality trait. I ultimately feel  like the way she looked at self control that she conceptualized it in not the best way. I personally do not feel that this is a personality trait due to the fact that so many other things can tie into it. The basis of self control comes from inherited traits in my opinions as you can see not always in every case but a great deal that children have similar controls that their parents possess. That is of course until teenage years where I then feel like personality could tie into the idea of self control and also the rebellious mindset of the teen.  A question for us to think about was to think of a time we thought our life may have been impeded. I truly feel like that had happened to me during my high school years where events were not geared in the best direction and I ultimately did not think I was capable of achieving certain things just based on my own self ideas that I was not good enough or that my background and past would physically and mentally block me from moving on.

Blog 12

While reading Julie Beck’s article a few points struck me right through the read. One of the first and of the most I felt relatable to was near the beginning of her article in which she states “In telling the story of how you became who you are, and of who you’re on your way to becoming, the story itself becomes a part of who you are”. I felt like this point was so relatable to me as cause when reading it I immediately thought about what she was stating with this point. Though I am not one to share much about past experiences, when I actually share them the story almost takes over me and I in a sense relive those moments brought up in story.

The next point I felt really stuck with me was when she had incorporated Pasupathi’s work that children truly do not understand what makes a good story. He mentions how he has a child who could talk an hour about a video game, where that it is all plot centered rather than a progressive story of characters growing or coming of age. I feel like I truly connected with this, because even looking back from now to say middle school a book or movie I would pick would be drastically different in their plots and motives.

The last point I truly felt stuck to me the most, was again from Pasupathi’s work in which others you tell the story alter our memories and stories. Whether it be to make it more appealing to them or to hide something you don’t want the audience to know I feel like this stuck to me. If I were to tell a story to a friend, the language used, even some of the events would be different then If I were to tell it to a family member.


Blog 11

This was taken from a biology paper I had written, I had underlined the the transitions as well as the many pointing terms in the paper, and boxed and circled any forms of repetition and key terms. It is a shock to revisit a piece written and be able to find all of these words and commonality’s that occur in paper to the point that I felt these transitions were not even used that much. I feel like since it was a biology paper it required a good deal of pointer terms in order to get to the point trying to be proven.

Do you see any patterns?

I do see quite a lot of patterns, the paper itself was describing the effects of osmosis and that word itself is present numerous times throughout just this page alone of the paper. I also see a lot of the use of pointer terms to progress through the paper to push the reader from “point a” to “point b”.

Do you rely on certain devices more than others?

I feel I relied on the pointer terms and the key term repetition just by taking a glance of the highlights. It was a weird trend to see if I were to use a pointer term they would almost always begin with the letter t so it was almost like a search for the letter t to see if their were pointers in this essay. Key terms I feel like were necessary to be able to tell the reader what this piece itself entails and brings back to the point you are trying to prove in a wordy scientific paper.

Are there any passages that are hard to follow?

Overall since it was a scientific piece it was very straight to the point, there was not much jumping around because it had to make sense in order for the paper itself to be successful, if as a scientific paper was not logical the whole process and or experiment could go drastically wrong.

Peer Review

Dear ___,

Overall you have a great paper and are on your way for a great mark on this paper. One of the only things I would maybe look into is the paragraph where you compare Pinker to Ma. I feel on that paragraph you do a great deal arguing between the two, but do not really connect it back to yourself. I felt like your inclusion of the naysayer paragraph really made this paper more well round by providing the opposition’s side. If you felt like you could or needed to, you could incorporate some more connections to yourself, to in a way gear the reader to want to believe and take your claims more just due to the fact that you have experienced it. Overall it was a great read thank you for letting me read it and you are on track for a great paper!


Blog #10

Prompt: Ideal relationship between art and sciences inside the projected career path or current discipline.

Free write Brainstorm idea:

I personally feel in the field of physical therapy both science and arts go hand and hand amongst that career. The way that Yo-Yo Ma describes the arts to incorporate empathy I feel is one of the most needed things to be a successful physical therapist. If it was not for the empathy towards your client their strive to get better would not be achieved,  and if they keep failing rather than just giving up on them as a “lost hope”, you need the empathy to be able to keep motivating them and being able to still give them positive attitudes even when failing to achieve a certain goal. Physical Therapy of course has  strong relations to the science field as most of my classes in university are geared towards scientific learning  and thought processes. One thing I feel that UNE does really well, for being a well known science school, requires all students to at least one fine arts program, which I feel is great because the learning and throughout processes in those class may better shape the learner you are, or provide you with new ideas to use in your science fields. Lehrer’s paper is a great way to describe the sciences and arts in the path I am going towards. A lot of his arguments are that science needs art in order to keep finding out new information about the world around us and I believe that pertains to my career. There are numerous new amounts of research and information being done towards new methods of healing a body and the body itself. I feel like the arts play a key component in allowing us to believe that there are new forms of processes and ideas to look into when looking at the human body and I feel these arts have shaped the career of physical therapy to what it has became today. Pinker’s ideas I feel did not have to much connection in my field, I can see others where they may be over done with the science concepts but I truly feel that there is a balance between the arts and sciences in the field of Physical Therapy.