I have been looking forward to incorporating the multimodal into our essays since when we began our first annotation. One thing I have learned from the annotations and a thing I plan to use in my paper is the use of photos, specifically header photos. I feel like I could use a great header image to in a way set the tone of the essay and in a sense tie it into my claims I will be going into. Using a header image will provide the readers a visual aspect of the multimodal giving them a picture to go along with the essay itself. Another item I will be using is the video from the narrative project that will provide a auditory mode and is one of the major ties in this essay. The last one I will incorporate into my essay is the usage of the spatial mode. I feel like this will be the toughest adjustment since it does not follow our typical essay format, but it has a great use to put emphasis on certain points brought up in the essay, and also makes the overall feel of the essay much more nice. With the incorporation of the spatial it in the sense turns this essay format we write in all serious essays and papers, and turns that same information into something much more appealing to the reader. My thoughts at the moment are to possibly use this to almost guide my reader using this mode with emphasis points such as quotes at the side of the text. Overall I am excited to see what this multimodal will turn out to be.