While reading Julie Beck’s article a few points struck me right through the read. One of the first and of the most I felt relatable to was near the beginning of her article in which she states “In telling the story of how you became who you are, and of who you’re on your way to becoming, the story itself becomes a part of who you are”. I felt like this point was so relatable to me as cause when reading it I immediately thought about what she was stating with this point. Though I am not one to share much about past experiences, when I actually share them the story almost takes over me and I in a sense relive those moments brought up in story.
The next point I felt really stuck with me was when she had incorporated Pasupathi’s work that children truly do not understand what makes a good story. He mentions how he has a child who could talk an hour about a video game, where that it is all plot centered rather than a progressive story of characters growing or coming of age. I feel like I truly connected with this, because even looking back from now to say middle school a book or movie I would pick would be drastically different in their plots and motives.
The last point I truly felt stuck to me the most, was again from Pasupathi’s work in which others you tell the story alter our memories and stories. Whether it be to make it more appealing to them or to hide something you don’t want the audience to know I feel like this stuck to me. If I were to tell a story to a friend, the language used, even some of the events would be different then If I were to tell it to a family member.
I agree with everything you said here, all of the quotes you gave struck me in the same way. Specifically the last quote you used, because you definitely wouldn’t tell a story to your grandparents the same way as you would tell it to your friends.
All three points that you mentioned in this post were topics that I had picked up on in my annotations but didn’t write about in my blog. However, I am GLAD that they are different because they are just more points that I agree on! I think everyone can agree that when they tell a story, their language and plot changes depending on who they’re talking to. Also, the way in which someone chooses to tell their story is important in how they become who they are because it creates their image.