This was taken from a biology paper I had written, I had underlined the the transitions as well as the many pointing terms in the paper, and boxed and circled any forms of repetition and key terms. It is a shock to revisit a piece written and be able to find all of these words and commonality’s that occur in paper to the point that I felt these transitions were not even used that much. I feel like since it was a biology paper it required a good deal of pointer terms in order to get to the point trying to be proven.
Do you see any patterns?
I do see quite a lot of patterns, the paper itself was describing the effects of osmosis and that word itself is present numerous times throughout just this page alone of the paper. I also see a lot of the use of pointer terms to progress through the paper to push the reader from “point a” to “point b”.
Do you rely on certain devices more than others?
I feel I relied on the pointer terms and the key term repetition just by taking a glance of the highlights. It was a weird trend to see if I were to use a pointer term they would almost always begin with the letter t so it was almost like a search for the letter t to see if their were pointers in this essay. Key terms I feel like were necessary to be able to tell the reader what this piece itself entails and brings back to the point you are trying to prove in a wordy scientific paper.
Are there any passages that are hard to follow?
Overall since it was a scientific piece it was very straight to the point, there was not much jumping around because it had to make sense in order for the paper itself to be successful, if as a scientific paper was not logical the whole process and or experiment could go drastically wrong.